Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ratones y Arañas OH MY!

Sometimes there are just things that happen that remind you of where you live… here, some of those things include: children running up and down the stairs screaming their heads off, putting a movie in your DVD player to watch only THEN to realize that it’s only in Spanish, being on time to a meeting and being well…30 minutes early by the time it ACTUALLY starts, listening to countless raves about the power of Jesus and religion, being woken up every night around 3 am to the sound of fireworks in town, or dogs howling (or both), not being able to find peanut butter in the super market, and last but not least, bugs and other things that go bump in the night.

The other night Cassie and I went to go wash dishes outside in our sink…and came across – the world’s cutest mouse. Now, I don’t consider myself the girliest person in the world, but I definitely saw it, freaked out and stumbled backwards. Cassie on the other hand screamed (or rather shrieked) her head off for a solid 5 seconds before realizing it was only a mouse. I literally laughed for 2 minutes just thinking about how shocked she had been!

In addition, every night we are encountered by creepy crawlies – aka a large list of disgusting bugs that make their way into our house every night. Among these is our personal favorite – the ginormous spider. If you don’t believe me take a look for yourself at the huge almost 2 inch spider that Christina trapped in our kitchen last night…and just one of hundreds. SCARY STUFF!

Not a fan.


A WAYYY too loud moth that flew into our living room...

This guy just dropped from our ceiling during breakfast one morning!

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