Wednesday, September 29, 2010

So. Much. Pain.

Me duele mis piernas. Translation? My legs hurt. Why you may ask? Well, let’s just say Dia del Niño is going to ROCK – Lady Gaga style.

Dia del Niño (aka Children’s Day) is a national holiday in Guatemala celebrated on October 1st every year. There is no school and it’s basically just a day for kids to celebrate being kids :). I remember asking my parents when I was younger why there we had a “Father’s Day” and a “Mother’s Day” and a “Grandparent’s Day” but no “Kid’s day”…and the response was always – “Because kid’s day is EVERY DAY!” While that may be true, I would still prefer to have a pretty awesome day set aside to celebrate ;-). This year we’re going to be celebrating on Thursday (September 30th) aka no school once again…WOO!

Anyhoo. Why do my legs hurt you ask?? Because all of the adults that work at NPH – in the office, in the school, the volunteers – EVERYONE – prepare presentations to make for the kids, whether they are dances, obras (short plays/skits), etc. SO! The volunteers are preparing a sweet skit involving some of the volunteers sitting on a “couch” watching music videos on MTV…aka the rest of us doing dances. The other part of the group is doing a Derrenguense dance (traditional Central American dance) while my half is doing a Lady Gaga medley, consisting of “Just Dance,” “Alejandro,” and “Telephone.” AKA IT ROCKS. And while our dance is going to blow everyone out of the water…my legs are killing me. Hopefully I’ll get a copy of our dance to post on our blog after Dia del Niño – be on the lookout!

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