Monday, December 27, 2010


So after being here for almost 6 months, I finally went to my first official church service in Parramos for Mass last weekend. We got the girls ready to go for 5 oclock. Little did I know that Mass didn’t actually start until 6…excellent timing as usual here in Guatemala. We walked to Parramos with all the kids and arrived a good 45 minutes early…perfect timing to lose a hand full of children in the town fair that’s been going on for the last few weeks. I then spent the next 40 minutes wandering around looking for the children who had meandered away from the pack before finally settling in to the church.

Church was a little different than I had expected…for starters, the music from the carnival and passing cars with their blaring bass drums made it next to impossible to hear the priest. I spent a good 10 minutes trying to pay attention to what he was saying in Spanish before I finally just gave in to the fantastic sounds of Reggaeton that floated overhead…so much for making the most of being at Mass…

Our church in Parramos

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