Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I think it's been a while since I mentioned that I have the best friend in the whole world. Regardless, I do. Now, I thought that I was being hardcore for Lent this year when I gave up all drinks besides water (ie. no Propel packs or delicious juice from the comedor...it hurts...a lot...) but this year for Lent SHE gave up sweets, meats, AND wheats. I have NO clue how she is doing it...but she is :). And I am proud of her. I think maybe this might have lead her to the discovery of new recipes which she has so wonderfully shared with me. I'm also INCREDIBLY grateful to her for the newest addition to my recipe collection: BLACK BEAN BURGERS!!!!!!

Now for those of you reading this who knew me in South Carolina, you're probably thinking "But Jess, you literally ate black bean burgers every other day - why do you say you are just discovering them now?" And to you people I say "I wish I had a good answer." But the fact remains. I literally NEVER thought about make black bean burgers here. That is, until Summer reminded me of the deliciousness that IS the black bean burger. I think part of the reason had to do with the fact that we are served black beans every night - so why would I STILL want to eat them...just in a different form?

The answer? Because Black Bean Burgers are DELICIOUS. Last night Erika, Molly, Thayer and I made the most AWESOME BBB's using black beans from the comedor, american cheese (woo for Kraft singles!), fresh onions, tomatoes, and cilantro, and a plethora of other spices...and topped them with homemade guacamole. Can you say QUE RICO?? Can't wait to make them otra vez ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I like this post!!
    Your black bean burgers sound DELICIOUS. Definitely better than mine! You'll have to make them for me when you get back!!
    Love you Jess :)
