Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Visiting my Section

I usually visit my sections on Tuesday nights and Thursday nights, about 2 hours each night. Sometimes its hard to stay “abajo” (down) where the sections are until 8 because that’s the girls’ bedtime, but nonetheless, twice a week I bob alongside the girls towards their part of the “Casa de Niñas” (Girls’ house). Each time I find myself there it’s a little different: sometimes they want me to sing non-stop all the American songs I know, sometimes they want me to draw them pictures, sometimes we have a dance party, other times I just sit and talk to them. The last 2 times I went to the section, I brought my deck of Uno cards. The first time I brought the cards, the girls were ECSTATIC. They had a volunteer AND Uno cards. This time, not so excited for the volunteer, more just the volunteer who BROUGHT the Uno cards. Needless to say, it was an enthralling 2 hours for me, watching 6 girls fight over the proper rules of Uno. I think next time I’m going without the cards…

1 comment:

  1. man! that sounds like such a fun night! i wanna sing american songs all the time with guatemalan kids!
