Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Despedida – Take 2

So Friday night was the despedida for the 10 volunteers who have already begun to make their way back to their home countries…and it’s been a depressing few days. The despedida went off without a hitch…only this time it hurt a lot more than the first time around. Watching some of my closest friends from NPH venture into the real world is not only depressing, but it reminds everyone who’s staying how quickly this time flies by, and how much you really need to take advantage of it, because it’s over before you know it. Those 10 wonderful people have inspired me to do more than I thought possible and to continue giving of myself throughout these next 6 months because sooner than I think my time here will be over.

So this entry is dedicated to some of my favoritest people and newfound friends – I’m going to miss you all tremendously, but I know you’re going to do great things :).

Tony telling everyone to be quiet

All of departing volunteers :(

Los Angeles doing their thing for Janna

Nicole and Carrie with Fredy, Marta, Estela, and Dania

Fatima breaking it down with the Macarena

...and then Carrie joined in!

Nicole dancing with her section, Santa Teresita

Mona Lisa, Dani, and Janna

Nicole, Jonas, Mona Lisa, and Dani with their wall hangings

Carrie with Alexander and Fatima

Sharon and Jonathan

Corinna with Kevin and Selena

Corinna, Jonas, Abner, and Mona Lisa

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