Monday, January 10, 2011

You have to try at least one…

After getting my engagement ring my mother’s first question was “So when are we going to try on dresses???” Now, Jon and I aren’t planning on getting married until October 2012. I’m still living in Guatemala for another 8 months, and then I need a good 12 months to plan, and October is both of our favorite months, so it works out pretty nicely. But still – trying on DRESSES?? Even for someone as obsessed with weddings as I am…it’s a little strange to think about it! Regardless, on Tuesday my mom, my Aunt Patty and I headed out to the Commack Bridal Center to look at a few dresses.

It was definitely interesting to see how all the ones I always thought I’d like were the ones that I hated the most. And it felt REALLY strange when a woman said to her 2 year old daughter, "Aww look at how pretty the bride-to-be looks in that dress." WEIRD. It’s certainly going to be an interesting search for the perfect dress – good thing I have so much time!

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