Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Fully connected

There is something to be said about life without internet.

While I was home, one of the other volunteers informed me that our internet was upgraded. HECK YES. Instead of having shoddy, never REALLY functioning internet where we were cut off from all important forms of communication with the exception of email, we have now received the code to the office internet. Aka heaven.

We now have internet ALL DAY LONG. AND that includes skype, facebook, and youtube, which we are allowed to use between 6 pm and 8 am everyday, and all day on the weekends. HALLELUJAH!

However, having the internet does come with it's drawbacks. For instance. During lunch times, which used to be filled with talking, laughing, reading, and just hanging out with other volunteers, everyone is now on their computers, emailing, blogging (don't judge me...), etc.

So yes, while it's nice to be fully connected to the outside world once again, it was also really nice to be TRULY connected to the people in the same room as me.

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