Thursday, February 10, 2011

Excellent Nights

It seems like every now and then when I’m with my section I just have one of those epic nights that I can’t see myself forgetting any time soon. Monday night was one of those nights. I went down to the section – ready to help the girls with their chores and all that jazz, but it turned into something better.

Every Monday night the tias in my section do the laundry in the washers and dryers. After the floors have been washed, they take the laundry and dump it all over the floor, creating a massive, chaotic stream of children vying to collect their clothes. Only tonight, they weren’t collecting their clothes. Instead, my 20 chaotic little ladies proceeded to throw all of their clothes at one another, topple over each other laughing hysterically, as myself and the tia tried to get them to put their clothes away in an orderly fashion – yea right! After about 10 seconds of “Alright girls, that’s enough” and “c’mon let’s get our things together” one of the girls, Luvia, pummeled me to the ground while another proceeded to put a pair of underwear on my head. I didn’t know what to do – I was completely torn between being the adult in the situation and wanting to release my inner 10-year old – when Luvia started to find the ONLY spot that I am ticklish. I immediately started rolling on the floor laughing as 6 of my angelitos tackled me and all began tickling me at once. Once I regained my composure, I got them all back and a huge tickle fight ensued, before I stood up and began dowsing the girls with all the clothes from the floor. Ok, not my best “role model” moment, but definitely a good highlight to remember :)

After that, my adorable little girls needed help with their homework (fractions and venn diagrams – fun!) and their aseos, and their bedtime stories. I closed out my wonderful night reading “Los tres cerditos” (The three little pigs) with Glenda before kissing all the girls goodnight. Pleasant dreams :).

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