Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Guatemalan Birthday

May 1st marked a big day for me – that’s right. I completed by 24th year. How strange! The kids ALWAYS ask me how old I am…and now, sadly, I am one year older – 24.

I don’t think I was really ready to stop being 23 years old. 23 was good to me – I graduated from City Year, I moved abroad, I successfully became fluent in Spanish, I learned a LOT of my strengths and weaknesses, I ruled out a few key jobs that I never want to have in the future (mainly teaching and other jobs related to schools), and oh, that’s right…Jon and I got engaged! Like I said – a pretty good year ;-)

Anyhoo, last Sunday I celebrated my birthday with Jon and a few of my favorite volunteers from NPH. Unfortunately, most of the volunteers went on vacation so practically no one was here…kind of a big bummer. BUT luckily a lot of my close friends were here to celebrate with me. AND it also helped that my mom sent me a whole bunch of little goodies to make the day more special – most notably: confetti for our table, balloons, and a crown! (For those of you who don’t know, it’s been a little tradition for me to wear a crown on my birthday for the last few years – going strong! Thanks mom!). In addition – the little Fresas came to visit me! The Fresas are the section of girls in the babies house who are insanely adorable and who also made me birthday cards to help celebrate the day :). Thanks for bringing them down to the house Christina!

The table set for my birthday breakfast

The fresas came to visit!

After the fresas left, we celebrated with a delicious funfetti cake (Thayer remembered it was my favorite) with chocolate frosting. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a mordida (cake in the face) OR “me mojaron” (they didn’t get me wet by dousing me with water…) on my special day. I say unfortunately because to me, the birthday traditions here in Guatemala are pretty legendary. Instead, Thayer, not wanting to get cake all over my glasses, decided to smudge some chocolate on my face….interesting change in Guatemalan tradition…

Blowing out the candles on my cake (4 for 24...)

Apparently my own special version of the mordida?

My birthday breakfast was wonderful and a HUGE thanks to the ladies that helped to make it so special :). So in conclusion, and despite the change in number, I can honestly say I think 24 is gunna be a good year. I will be moving back to the states, *hopefully* getting a real job, reuniting with family and friends after a LONG time away from NY, planning a wedding (!), and let’s not forget living with the love of my life. Yea, I think 24 will treat me pretty well :).

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