Monday, May 16, 2011

Why my roommate is cooler than your roommate

I’ve now been living in Guatemala a little over 10 months…and in that time I’ve had 3 roommates. Due to changes in our houses, people coming and going early, and new volunteers, I’m on my third roommate…and I couldn’t be happier. My roommate, Regine, is AWESOME. She’s from Germany, super cool, really easy to talk to, and a great person to live with!

Regine with Franny and Hannah, two of our housemates :)

In addition, she’s insanely creative – which I love! A few weeks ago she came into our room with a poster and some paints. She had found a poem that she really liked and decided to hang it on our wall – so she painted the poem onto the poster and it has been one of my favorite decorations ever since! Below is the poem in Spanish and then in English – enjoy!

Toma tiempo para jugar…pues es el secreto de la juventud…
Toma tiempo para leer…pues es la base del conocimiento…
Toma tiempo para amar…pues es el único sacramento de la vida…
Toma tiempo para trabajar…pues el trabajo es el precio del éxito…
Toma tiempo para rezar…pues te ayuda a acercarte a Dios…
Toma tiempo para pensar…pues es la fuerte de la fuerza…
Toma tiempo para soñar…pues así transportas el alma a las estrellas…
Toma tiempo para reír…pues la risa es la música que ayuda a soportar las cargas de la vida…
Toma tiempo para venerar…pues les la senda hacia el culto de Dios…
Toma tiempo para tus amigos…pues la amistad es una fuente de la felicidad…

Take time to play…it is the secret of youth.
Take time to read…it is the base of knowledge.
Take time to love…it is the only sacrament of life.
Take time to work…it is the price of success.
Take time to pray…it helps you become closer to God.
Take time to think…it is the strength of the strong.
Take time to dream…so that you can transport your soul to the stars.
Take time to laugh…because laughter is the music that helps support your life.
Take time to venerate…it can take you on the path to worship God.
Take time for your friends…friendship is the fountain of happiness.

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