Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Last night at dinner we beans, cheese, and tortillas…and cookies AND cake! How exciting! The only problem was that for some strange reason ALL of the delicious goodies smelled and tasted vaguely like paint…or gasoline… and that’s when we all realized what had happened. FUMIGATION.

Last week the fumigators came to fumigate the home. The ENTIRE home. Around 9 am on Thursday I was minding my own business, sitting in the English department, when all of a sudden, the head of the department comes in and tells me they are about to fumigate our room. I didn’t think anything of it until I heard a RIDICULOUSLY loud whirring sound outside of the window…after which I IMMEDIATELY grabbed my laptop, water bottle, and purse, and sprinted for the door!

I got out JUST in time. As I was leaving the room, a man carrying what could only be described as a “ghost busters” spray gun ran into the room and filled it with fumigation gases. WHEW. While I kept my distance a good ways away, ALL OF THE CHILDREN (who SHOULD have been in classes) ran after the guy with the spray gun, following him from room to room. Just imagine: a ghost-busting fumigator, spraying potentially harmful gases, while 300 kids sprint after him. Let me further mention that it was about 50 degrees and raining outside. Let me also add that all classes were then cancelled between 9 and 10:45. I know…you’re SHOCKED.

Here are some questions that were raised in MY mind: 1. Why couldn’t they fumigate 3 HOURS later so classes wouldn’t have to be cancelled? 2. Why couldn’t they fumigate 1 WEEK later when there WILL BE no classes to be cancelled? 3. Why didn’t anyone stop the hoards of children running INTO the gases? All valid questions without answers… So instead, a few of my girls and I sat outside of the classrooms and listened to music and looked at pictures on my computer…good use of a school day.

Needless to say…fumigation does not lead to the making of delicious cookies…quite the case you had any doubts...

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