Sunday, October 17, 2010

Things that I REALLY miss…

Before embarking on this year long journey to the middle of nowhere, I composed a list of all the things I THOUGHT I was going to miss. While some of them were spot on (chocolate chip cookies – thanks to everyone for the packages!), I was pleasantly surprised to see that I didn’t NEED to miss some of these things, since we already have them here – for instance, ice and Doritos. So I decided to compose a REAL list of things that I miss and cannot WAIT to have when I’m back in the states on FRIDAY!! Only 5 more days – but who’s counting!
- NEW YORK DELI – I am soooooo looking forward to a pepperoni and mozzarella sandwich as soon as I step off the plane (thanks hunny!)
- FAST INTERNET – words cannot express.
- FACEBOOK – for those of you who don’t know, the house has put a hold on facebook for some unknown reason…as such it’s a little hard to keep in touch…
- Phone calls that don’t cost me $30…that will be nice…although it will also be nice to be in the same place as most of the people I call on a consistent basis :)
- Not being afraid to eat vegetables – let’s be real – I still EAT all the fruits and veggies that are sold in the market, but it will be INCREDIBLY nice to not have to worry that eating something is going to make me sick!
- Ethnic food in general - I could REALLY go for some Pad Thai or Lo Mein...
- My slippers – shockingly, it is VERY cold in Guatemala beginning in early October and with absolutely NO insulation in our houses, I’m NOT looking forward to November and December!
- The changing colors of the leaves/Autumn in general – can’t wait!
- My cat…kind of. Ok a lot.
Now unfortunately, none of these things can be wrapped up and sent in a package…I understand that…which is why I’m so excited to take my first real vacation to come to the states – see you on FRIDAY New York!!


  1. What about your boyfreind and family?

  2. Expect a drunk dial somewhere in the vicinity of 10pm Saturday night. Or several.

  3. you forgot to add me to the list.
