Thursday, July 14, 2011

Corinna’s Despedida

This past Saturday was Corinna’s despedida from our section. While she had thought of a lot of different things she wanted to do, she finally decided to take our girls to La Posada de mi Abuelo here in Parramos. We left the house around 9:30 to walk to the Posada, an adorable little restaurant with a pool and horses to ride. We got there and I FINALLY got something I had wanted allllllll year – a picture of me with my entire section of girls!

After picture time we headed into the Posada. I had (of course) forgotten that there was a pool…and so also forgotten my bathing suit… but the girls really seemed to enjoy it :). They swam for about 2 hours, took roughly a million pictures on my camera and had a blast splashing around in the water! (Sorry for the lack of more photos - the internet isn't being cooperative right now...)

After that, the girls got to ride on horses – they were soooooooo excited…although a few were incredibly scared. They rode in pairs around a small corral and then it was time for a delicious lunch of carne, rice, and ensalada :). It was a lot of fun seeing the girls outside of their normal element and I think they really enjoyed it!

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