Friday, July 8, 2011


Last Tuesday I found myself yet AGAIN without a plan for my año de servicio class (you’d think I would have learned by now…) So we fumbled through for a while, reading some magazines and talking about a book that one of the boys had received (anyone heard of “Heaven is Real”? I’m interested to read it…) When one of the boys suggested that we play Scattergories. Umm. Can you say AWESOME? For the next 30 minutes we proceeded to play the best game EVER – the 2 boys in English and myself in Spanish – what a great idea! Why had I never thought of that before?! It was so much fun and none of us wanted to quit when 5 o’clock rolled around.

(PS – in case you were wondering…I DID win…although I may have had a SLIGHT advantage…)

1 comment:

  1. lindsay just finished "Heaven is for Real" and she liked it a lot!

